All you need to know about using stumped concrete for footpath concreting Sydney


It is true that stumped concreting is a popular method for hardscaping sidewalks and footpaths but precast concrete blocks or slabs are also getting popular during the last few years or so. But stumped concrete has its own qualities and if you interested in whether stump concreting is actually a good method for footpath concreting or should you opt for precast concrete blocks or slabs let us compare the two methods side by side.

·         The process of manufacture: Automated manufacturing plants produce precast concrete slabs under controlled conditions without any kind of human interference. On the other hand stump concrete is used at the project site itself under various different conditions and as climatic conditions can consistently affect it quality  constant monitoring I required for taking necessary actions at every stage.

·         Installation: Precast concrete blocks or slabs are fully cured at the time of being transported to the worksite. So they can be easily installed at the worksite and be ready for use in no time. Compared to this stump concreting when used for footpath concreting Sydney requires to get cured after application at the site itself and requires to protect from damages by the weather elements and also from people walking over it ruining the surface.

·         Quality control: As precast concrete slabs are manufactured under controlled conditions and are used only when they are completely cured, controlling and maintaining quality is much easier with them. On the other hand stumped concreting Sydney can not so easily checked for quality as the process is both complicated and cumbersome.

·         Easy repairing: If precast concrete slabs are used all undulations or depressions can be easily repaired by simply moving the blocks or the slabs. There is absolutely no way to ensure that stumped concrete won’t generate cracks over time and repairing those cracks can be difficult.

·         Durability: As they are manufactured under controlled conditions using the right kind of mix they can withstand heavy pedestrian traffic much better than stumped concrete. Stumped concrete surfaces are found to be less resistant to abrasion and tend to worn out much quickly than the precast concrete slabs.

·         Water percolation: With the precast blocks it is allow maintaining the look and feel of the surface and simultaneously allowing maximum water percolation. This also ensures ground water recharging. On the contrary stumped concreting makes it impossible for the rain water to percolate and often result in overflowing the nearby drains if they are clogged.  

·         Cost of installation and repairing: The overall cost of installation and maintenance of stumped concrete is much higher than precast concrete blocks. Moreover demolishing stumped concrete requires powerful demolition tools and shorter life expectancy of such surfaces only further complicates the situation. Compared to this precast blocks can be easily removed and replaced and as they have much longer life can also be used in some other places.

If you are to choose which type of concreting to use for footpath concreting Sydney  it can be expected that the above discussion will prove useful in helping you making the right choice.


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